This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. English for Careers, 11e is designed to keep pace with changing student populations and current workplace trends. Appropriate for a wide audience, it helps students acquire fluency in Standard English and understand the basic principles of grammar, punctuation and writing. Offering a warm tone and accessible presentation, it focuses on the “real-world” English skills needed to get a good job, hold a job, and advance in a career. This edition offers a new and improved instructional design, career connection features, and more real-world assignments.
English for Careers: Business, Professional and Technical
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. English for Careers, 11e is designed to keep pace with changing student populations and current workplace trends. Appropriate for a wide audience, it helps students acquire fluency in Standard English and understand the basic principles of grammar, punctuation and writing. Offering a warm tone and accessible presentation, it focuses on the “real-world” English skills needed to get a good job, hold a job, and advance in a career. This edition offers a new and improved instructional design, career connection features, and more real-world assignments. Price: $89.99 (as of 09/04/2023 23:43 PST- Details)
Book Details
File Size | |
Print Length | |
Simultaneous Device Usage | |
Publisher | |
Publication Date | |
Sold by | |
Language | |
Text-to-Speech | |
X-Ray for Textbooks | |
Word Wise | |
Lending | |
Enhanced Typesetting | |
Author | |
Author 2 |
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